Saturday, May 31, 2008

What did you do on your friday night??????

I just got a wild hair...and decided to tile my kitchen!

Yes seriously!!! I just decided it was ...thats what I did!

they are vinyl tiles...that look like ceramic tiles...beige and greys...

I got most of it friday night...(stayed up till 2am!) then finished this morning! still cant believe I really did it! but hey...thats why I am the "Jill of all trades!!" Hummmm....wonder what I will tackle next!!! LOL!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Another "Crop for a Cure" under our belt!!!! YEA!!!

this year we raised $731 for our relay team... not bad for a bunch of girls!!!!

Each year we do it ...seems to get a little easier. This year we both got more compliments than any other...that's a good thing!

Seems that we had just the right amount of chocolate, prizes, chocolate, food and chocolate for everyone!

Tried something new this time...a BINGO game..

it was fun cept next time I will pay more attention the the final list....

I had all the words then made them as big as I know..better on your eyes...(LOL)

But I didn't pay attention the the double words like ...memory makers and creative memories...

they ended up on 2 lines instead of bad! didn't really have any challenges after we figured it out...but it was kinda funny. and I will also spend more time on the "list". finding words that are actually ....common!

guess as long as we learn! I am already getting excited about the next one in the fall...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Who woulda thunk that 6 grown (kinda) women could have so much fun!!!
Nancy and I spent the weekend in Novi at the scrapbook convention! we met up with 4 other gals that we have known for 4 years. 2 we've met in person and 2 we met for the first time. We had dinner at Famous Daves and then the fun began....
theres a "holder" that the platter sits on...I'm not sure who started it but it became the "prop" of the night. we played "Who's Line is it Anyway" Drew Carey would have been proud! ;) everything from a flying space ship to a 3 way shot glass! and everything in between! The workers there kept comming out to see what we would come up with next. Im sure they will be talking about us for a long time! I cant wait to get together again with the gals! maybe Chicago?? and theres a few more that I would really like to meet...Thea??? Corinna???

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I have the best kids!!!! I know all parents are supposed to say that, but I seriously believe that mine are! This was the first time in forever that I got to spend my birthday ON my birthday with all of my kids! perfectly awesome! They surprised me with burgers and hot dogs on the favorite! and then sang happy birthday to me (lead by my 3yo grandson!) and even got me a cake! and it even says "Momz"! life is good!